Thursday, 11 August 2016
Back from the abyss....
... and for once I'm not referring to the Torteval.
With just a couple of days to go until the season kicks off I have to be honest and say feelings are a bit all over the place.
The only new faces this season are likely to be a couple of new drafts from Steve Sharman's under 11 squad (that's what they look like to an old git like me at any rate). Talismanic striker on holiday in the States so missing the first few games. Not sure why as the last time I looked the States was just a short drive from the airport and the ARS, but there we are. Guernsey football, well Channel Islands football as a whole really, is frankly in a bit of a mess.
If you're in the 'good enough for Step 3' camp I fear your expectations for the season may be a tad high. For me a good season would be mid-table obscurity for GFC and and a closing of the divide with the local game. I look at some of the names associated with GFC, some of the names associated with the GFA and some of the names associated with local clubs and I scratch my head trying to understand why heads can't be banged together to resolve this situation.
In the close season we've seen the odd suggestion here and there that UK based players will be required to go onwards and upwards. That is probably the case but from where I sit I would rather see any available funds going to compensating Guernsey based players (in other words players based in Guernsey by choice rather than only as part of a package to play for the club) first and see where that takes us. Despite what I say about low expectations Guernsey is producing talented footballers and who knows what might happen IF we can get a full strength squad over for the vast majority of away games.
Of course we could throw money at a few hired hands but that's the football equivalent of a Ponzi scheme and has seen the end of many clubs. Certainly not the Guernsey way and I can envisage Messrs le Tocq and St Pier, not to say that bastion of free speech the Press, having palpitations if the island was ever associated with such fast and loose financial practice.
Enough waffle. It all starts at 1pm on Saturday at Ramsgate, one of the pre-season favourites for the league title. All we can ask is that everyone gives of their best. Granted, that's a bit of a cliche but that's football (and another cliche). So strap yourself in for another rollercoaster ride and
Keep it Green.
Allez les Verts!!
A sausage, a wrap and a mild mannered janitor.
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