He's looked a bit cheesed off and detached of late but events over the last few days suggest Tony Vance might have got his mojo back (if he ever lost it in the first place), and it's good to see.
A full and frank 'discussion' in the dressing room ahead of Sunday's match against Ramsgate was followed by the best team performance in a long time. It seems the players were left in no doubt as to where socks needed pulling up and their initial response was just what the doctor ordered, including a Ross Allen (who has appeared to be wearing ankle socks at time this season) goal from a free kick that players earning £100k+ a week would be proud of. Best summed up in one word. Sublime.
OK, Ramsgate's pre-match preparation wasn't ideal and they might have been a short of some first choice players. Some sympathy with that but I don't recall them being too upset about playing weakened GFC sides on a Tuesday night at their place in the last 2 seasons. With regard to the flight problems we can at least all look forward to Mr Austin's dead buzzard sketch the next time he plies Messrs Vance and Fallaize with hippy crack in front of a video camera.
The last couple of days have seen the Guernsey Press run a couple of pieces on Tony's view of the necessary future direction for GFC. Today's article is well worth a read if you can access it. If you can't access the GP take a look at the forum where there's a thread on the article as the views expressed will give you a good feel as to the content.
The view from the top of Ormering Towers will follow tomorrow, along with a bit of info for anyone heading to Thurrock on Saturday (you never know we might get further than recommending a good pub to visit near Fenchurch St before getting the train. There are a few by the way.).
Keep it Green
Allez les Verts!!
A sausage, a wrap and a mild mannered janitor.
With the trials and tribulations of last season fast receding and o the back of three impressive displays, unbeaten against teams expected ...

Whilst we struggled to connect banjos with cows' rear ends and Chris Tardif demonstrated why it's way too early to hang up his glove...
Time to wake from the close season slumber. Had a couple of weeks in Lanzarote. Plenty to do, friendly locals, lovely hotel, lots of sunshin...
The train from London was heaving. Brighton was heaving. The Dirty Diggler was in town for his first match of the season and it seemed his f...