If you read the away days page (before it was edited last) and were thinking of getting the 343 bus to the Kent Science Park think again. That route no longer exists and there is now no public bus service out there on a Saturday. Sittingbourne FC run a minibus service from the station at 12.10 unless you fancy the 2.5 mile walk up the hill.
Just a 14 man squad travelling tomorrow and this is it:-
Tardif, Geall, Pengelley, Strawbridge, Cochrane, le Prevost (A), Mackay, Steel, Fernandez, Mahon (L), Black, Loaring, Heaume, McGrath
Not good news on the injury front in that Dave Rihoy is highly unlikely to play again this season having gone off early at Peacehaven with now confirmed knee ligament damage. Also Ross Allen's dead leg seems a bit worse than the ones you used to get in the playground all those years ago. Tony Vance is quoted thus by the BBC:-
"I'm not sure when we'll see him again, only he'll know that. At some point he'll come back into the frame, but for now we'll have to work with the players that we've got". Make of that what you will.
Reading this column recently you might not believe it but the season so far isn't all doom and gloom, there's Guille Fernandez. Seems to have settled in nicely, shows some deft touches and looks like a player that thinks about his game.
He's also a very nice chap, so nice in fact that Gazois wrote him a song and here it is for you to learn (it's to the tune of la Bamba):-
Para jugar por Guernsey
Para jugar por Guernsey
Es necessari
Un poco de burro
Un poco de burro y cojones
y cojones
y cojones
Guille Fernandaez
Guille Fernandez
The Spanish might not be 100% there but roll those Rs and emphasise the cojones and nobody will mind.
Hope to see you in Sittingbourne, if you can't make it go to Livestream.com and search for GFC Manelander TV where, mobile signal permitting, you will find a live transmission.
Keep it Green
Allez les Verts!!
A sausage, a wrap and a mild mannered janitor.
With the trials and tribulations of last season fast receding and o the back of three impressive displays, unbeaten against teams expected ...

Whilst we struggled to connect banjos with cows' rear ends and Chris Tardif demonstrated why it's way too early to hang up his glove...
Time to wake from the close season slumber. Had a couple of weeks in Lanzarote. Plenty to do, friendly locals, lovely hotel, lots of sunshin...
The train from London was heaving. Brighton was heaving. The Dirty Diggler was in town for his first match of the season and it seemed his f...