Great to be back in comparatively cold but ever so soggy Blighty after a trip to Crete but hey ho,can't be helped.
My last view of GFC was that of a forlorn Tony Vance trudging through the car park at Sittingbourne's (not in Sittingbourne) ground, clearly eager to bag a prime spot for his bag on the coach.
Not the first time we've seen distance between coach(es) and players after an away game this season and not the first shambolic second half either.
This was followed by a home victory against (frankly piss poor) Hythe before a return to form against the country's top amateur team, Corinthian Casuals, on Saturday. Yes we had a decent amount of possession, particularly in the first half when, it has to be said, the opposition spent most of the time standing back and sizing us up.
After the game the boss told the local meeja that Doddie's sending off (with the score 0-0) cost us the game. Some where somewhat surprised that the meeja didn't enquire why personnel changes weren't made until we were 2 down (a touch of Muratti syndrome perhaps).
Our problems on the pitch are obvious - we can't defend (as a team, not just the back line).
There don't seem to be any signs of an answer to this problem off the pitch either.
The pressure to succeed comes largely from the coaching and playing staff (not all though), after all it's the boss that thinks the club will be finished if we're not established at step 3 in 4 years time. Many of us are just keen to support a Guernsey team playing at the highest level it can achieve, whether that be 3, 4 or 5.
Tomorrow we head to Molesey for a fixture that we really should be confident of winning. Offer us a point before the game and we'd take it though. Trains from Waterloo to Hampton Court every half hour (hourly on the way back), bit of a trek to the ground but plentiful (good) places to stop and refuel on the way.
Keep it Green
Allez les Verts!!
A sausage, a wrap and a mild mannered janitor.
With the trials and tribulations of last season fast receding and o the back of three impressive displays, unbeaten against teams expected ...

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Time to wake from the close season slumber. Had a couple of weeks in Lanzarote. Plenty to do, friendly locals, lovely hotel, lots of sunshin...
The train from London was heaving. Brighton was heaving. The Dirty Diggler was in town for his first match of the season and it seemed his f...