A trip to Phoenix Sports tomorrow then and they have had a decent start to the season, but their wins have come against teams that will probably spend the season in the bottom half of the table and the Isthmian North is generally considered to be weaker than the South.
Their defence has been frugal but they haven't exactly been banging them in for fun at the other end themselves.
We should be going into this game with an air of confidence, not arrogance. Concentrate at the back, think in midfield, don't get frustrated up front. It really is as simple as that dear reader.....(!).
The travelling squad is; Machlowski, de la Mare, le Prevost, Cochrane, Dodd, J Winch, Steel, L Mahon, Fernandez, Black, Heaume, Young, McGrath, Allen or L Winch.
One concern about the squad is that it only numbers 14, a couple of extra choices on the bench could make a difference. That said the 14 named are more than able to get the win. And they must, because I'm outre mer on 11th September and I really want to go to Chatham in the league.
The other concern about the squad is the absence of the name Rihoy. Having had to leave the field of play early at Peacehaven Dave's due to have a scan of something called medial ligaments. Something he's had problems with before so fingers crossed that all is well otherwise he may have to hang up his boots. This would be a great shame for one of the finest Guernsey footballers of his time.
We'll be getting the 10.54 from Blackfriars to Crayford tomorrow, see you in the Penny Farthing.
Keep it Green
Allez les Verts!!
A sausage, a wrap and a mild mannered janitor.
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