There seems to have been a fair bit of wailing after the defeat to Folkestone about handball and the visitors' somewhat approach. The GFCTV highlights, to these eyes at any rate, suggest there was no handball, although watching live in the ground from many angles it would have looked like the arm was used to control the ball.
As for the physical (dirty?) approach we do seem to have been whining about this ever since season one back in the CCL. Now it could be that this is an asepect of the game of football (as it is played i the real world) that we simply haven't learnt/developed over the last 4 years. At the away games we find a healthy 'dirty Northern bastards' chant helps us deal with these situations, especially if we're on the South coast.
We do have a number of players who love mixing it a bit with the opposition but, if you're in the Garenne (as most are), you're probably not aware of that as most of the action seem to take place on the far side of the pitch near the dugouts.
If you're wandering why so much of our play happens on the far side, it's all for the benefit of Steve Sharman's copious note-taking. If play is too far from the dugout the notes may not be accurate and that could result in, heaven forbid, in a dog's breakfast of an inter-insular.
Anyway, 6 points from 9 isn't a bad return when we haven't really got into any sort of rhythm yet and we do have a chance to hit some kind of stride at Peacehaven on Saturday. They have a much changed squad from last year and have just 1 point from the first three fixtures. That said they appointed a new manager last week and this will be their first league game following training under the new regime.
We'll be in Brighton at about 10.45 and will head to the Railway Belle, which is a hop and a skip from the station, for light refreshment and a Spanish lesson. It's a short walk to get a bus to Peacehaven and they leave every 10 minutes (fare is £2.40). See the away days page for detailed travel info.
Both the Press and the Beano carried stories about Jack Boyle today. In a nutshell Tony Vance will be talking to him after the Peacehaven game with a view to getting him to sign. When asked, Tony Vance and Colin Fallaize have made it clear that meeting him at Gatwick is not an option, there has to be a commitment that fits the GFC ethos (which hasn't changed) and the ball is in his court as far as that goes.
As a player he would be an asset to the team and, being a Crapaud, he's well positioned to understand and deal with the kind of dirty underhand tactics touched on earlier.
See you Saturday.
Keep it Green
Allez les Verts!!
A sausage, a wrap and a mild mannered janitor.
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