A 100% Guernsey based squad scraped a comfortable win yesterday and provided a perfect illustration as to why we need to import non-Guernsey based/committed (as in to the island community) players.
Seriously though, if the issue is that some players might be taking their place in the squad for granted and need a bit of a kick up the backside (as has been suggested by TV), they just need to take a look at the shirt.
On the front can be found the word Guernsey, on the back can be found the flag of Guernsey. What more inspiration does anyone need. As German magazine 11Freunde once quoted Fal as saying (Daily Mail readers should look away now) "play for ze fucking cross (ie flag)".
The squad for the trip to Redhill is not too far removed from the one that faced Sittingbourne. Jacob Machlowski and Craig Young are missing but one addition is Simon Geale, scorer of one of GFC's most important goals and an all round good bloke (and any suggestion that we only said that to get a few quid off his hourly rate is (possibly) false).
Keep it Green
Allez les Verts!!
Sunday, 5 April 2015
A sausage, a wrap and a mild mannered janitor.
With the trials and tribulations of last season fast receding and o the back of three impressive displays, unbeaten against teams expected ...

Whilst we struggled to connect banjos with cows' rear ends and Chris Tardif demonstrated why it's way too early to hang up his glove...
Time to wake from the close season slumber. Had a couple of weeks in Lanzarote. Plenty to do, friendly locals, lovely hotel, lots of sunshin...
The train from London was heaving. Brighton was heaving. The Dirty Diggler was in town for his first match of the season and it seemed his f...